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“Care more than others think wise.”另一句是涅槃乐队主唱Kurt Cobain的“Rather be dead than cool.”就这两个句子,特别请教了两位美国朋友(也是我以前的老师),今天收到了他们的回复。有兴趣的博友可以读一下他们回复的邮件。


附:美国朋友Patti and Danny的邮件原文


Hello Carl, 


As promised, i am trying to be prompt in my reply this time! 


Your second quote by Shulz:


I have not read any of his works and am not familiar with his leadership philosophy or faith, but reading in context of his other quotes, I believe what he is saying in "care more than others think wise" is to care greatly for people, even to the extent that some may say it is unwise.


We are human beings are all innately selfish, sinful. It is our nature to put our comforts before that of others.  The wisdom of the world would tell us to watch out for ourselves, and not too inconvenience ourselves too much for the sake of others. I believe Shulz is encouraging people to consider others as better than themselves and to care beyond what is considered customary, or necessary, or in good manner. 


As for cobain's quote:


I don't know if you did any research on the life of Kurt cobain, but if you do, you will find that he had a very tragic life and an even more tragic death. Considering that he committed suicide after becoming a musical phenom in the 90's, he was true to his word and really did consider death better than catering to the fancies of public opinion. The sad thing is, kurt cobain really had no true love in his life. He had a wife, he had a child, but he had no love, because he had no God. He was once a professed christian, then renounced his faith and pursued buddism and Jainism... Hence the name of his band, Nirvana. Clearly, he never actually knew God, and Buddhism proved hopeless and evidently unfulfilling. 


Honestly, i think he made that statement for shock value. He wanted to be counterculture, to rebel against the status quo. Since it "cool" is what everyone sought to be in the 80's/90's, he was in essence rebelling against that idea and saying it was better to be dead.  I doubt he's thinking that now...


Frankly, kurt cobain was a man a to be pitied, truly. He might have been rich and famous, but he lived in the depths of darkness.  He had so much anger and unforgiveness, hurt and pain in his life. It is too bad he never really knew Jesus, for He is the only one that can cleanse our sins away and give us hope and life...


Anyway, I hope that helps explain some! Take good care of yourself.  


Our best to your family,


Patti and Danny







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